What should we do if the edge of white cardboard becomes black when cut by a laser cutting machine?


1Reasons for the appearance of black borders

Improper laser power setting:

Setting the laser power too high may cause white cardboard to burn, resulting in black edges at the cutting edge.

On the contrary, if the power setting is too low, it may not fully penetrate the paper and also affect the cutting quality.

Inappropriate cutting speed:

Cutting speed that is too fast or too slow can lead to uneven edge cutting, resulting in black edges.

White cardboard material issue:

The physical characteristics such as grain patterns and moisture content of white cardboard may also affect the cutting effect, leading to the appearance of black edges.

Equipment aging or improper maintenance:

If the laser tube, optical path and other components of the laser cutting machine are aged or not properly maintained, it may also cause black edges to appear during cutting.

Improper selection of cutting mode:

Different cutting modes (such as continuous mode and jog mode) have different effects on the cutting effect. In continuous mode, continuous laser irradiation may cause local overheating, resulting in black edges.


2Solution method

Adjust laser power:

Adjust the power setting of the laser cutting machine based on the material and thickness of the white cardboard to ensure effective cutting without burning the paper.

Optimize cutting speed:

Determine the cutting speed through experiments to ensure the cleanliness of the cutting edge.

Regular maintenance and upkeep of equipment:

According to the instructions in the equipment manual, regularly clean the dust and dirt on components such as the laser head and reflector to ensure unobstructed light path.

laser cutting machine

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